
Thank you for thinking of Backcountry Hot Tubs & Saunas for your store, please contact us at info@backcountryhottubs.com if you wish to stock any of our product line. Please allow a period of up to one week for a response.


  1. Backcountry Hot Tubs & saunas will consider purely online or brick and mortar retail locations. When a request is submitted, please be aware your details will be kept on file with or without a response.
  2. If you are establishing your business and are yet to open, please only submit a wholesale inquiry once you have established an online e-commerce website, social media presence, and if applicable can supply photos of your physical retail space and brand alignments.
  3. To support your wholesale inquiry, please submit web-links to your e-commerce site, social media pages and if applicable photos of your retail space from the inside and exterior/entrance so we can get a detailed understanding of your space.

We understand that our requirements may seem thorough; however it is not our intent to waste your time. Backcountry Hot Tubs & Saunas wishes to move forward with the right business partners displaying strong brand alignments and aim to establish long lasting wholesale relationships.



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